Safer drinking water for all Europeans: Questions and Answers

What is the Commission proposing and why?
This will guarantee that tap water is safe for drinking throughout the EU.
2) A reduced risk for Member States and citizens.
The Commission has worked with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to revise the list of standards (parameters) that define safe drinking water.
How will consumers benefit from this proposal?
The revised rules will improve access to water and water quality as well as further reduce risks to health, by improving water treatment and quality monitoring.
It contains an obligation for Member States to improve access to safe drinking water for all and to ensure access to water especially for vulnerable and marginalised groups.
The proposal to revise the Drinking Water Directive reflects this principle with a new provision that requires Member States to improve access to water for all and ensure access to those belonging to vulnerable and marginalised groups.
Better access to and quality of drinking water, as well as increased transparency requirements obviously entail additional but moderate costs.
However, these will be offset by the positive health benefits for citizens and the possibility for Member States to subsidise a service of public interest, as well as the money saved through lower consumption of bottled water.

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