Safety in the Aftermath of a Hurricane
Safety in the Aftermath of a Hurricane.
These infections could come from parasites, bacteria, or even viruses.
The most common mode of transmission is through contaminated water.
The most common mode of transmission is through contaminated water.
In fact, Cryptosporidium is a leading cause of waterborne disease in the United States among humans.
Leptospirosis, while infrequently seen, is a bacteria found in water and can be transmitted through the urine of infected animals.
Tetanus is a disease caused by a puncture wound infected with contaminated soil or water.
Vibrio is a wound infection that creates a sepsis in the body part exposed.
Mosquitoes are known vectors of diseases such as Zika and West Nile.
Protect yourself from mosquito bites with effective sprays, long clothing, and if possible limit exposure.