Science trumps fun with respect to OHV use
Science trumps fun with respect to OHV use.
But OHVs are causing terrible erosion and water pollution problems in the mountains and foothills of Alberta.
But it has not prevented many huge mud holes, eroding soils, and contamination and sedimentation of sensitive ecosystems.
Most are senior researchers with decades of experience directly related to these matters.
Trying to delegitimize the science letter because those scientists have spoken out and/or signed other letters on critical environment topics in society is equivalent to stating doctors should not speak out about more than one health concern.
Even a few OHVs will cause soil and water erosion, and air and water pollution.
With respect, the Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad shares the opinions of a vested interest group.
The Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad believe they can smoke safely while all of us have to breath the second-hand smoke.
We all pay the costs.
OHVs cannot be in these sensitive headwaters.