Studies Show How Drugs Contaminate Water

On this West Virginia Morning, researchers at Murray State University in Kentucky released a pair of studies that found illicit substances in some water sources in the region.
One study profiled contamination in wastewater and river waters.
The other estimated consumption rates during special events.
Cory Sharber of WKMS reports.
Also on today’s show, America and Iran used to be close allies, but since the Iranian Revolution began in 1979, the relationship has been akin to a bad divorce.
The latest chapter: President Trump’s announcement to pull the U.S. out of the Iran Nuclear Deal.
All this has Trey Kay, host of West Virginia Public Broadcasting’s Us & Them podcast, thinking about the “us and them” dynamic between these two countries.
Trey has a friend, Essi Zahedi who has helped him think of Iranians as something other than “the enemy.” We hear an excerpt from the latest Us & Them episode: Love, The Ayatollah and Revolution.

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