Terminal pollution

Terminal pollution.
To the editor: Do we, the voters of Bar Harbor, want a cruise ship berthing facility for large cruise ships at the ferry terminal property?
Two large, berthed, cruise ships would use 640 gallons of diesel per hour.
It recommends laws that restrict the idling of semis and buses for no more than five minutes because of the noxious chemical compounds that are produced.
A semi truck, at idle, uses one gallon of 15 ppm sulfur diesel per hour.
The cruise ships’ 1,000 ppm sulfur fuel is 66 times more toxic than the semi trucks’ 15 ppm sulfur diesel fuel.
We have a municipal code in Bar Harbor that says no motor vehicle is allowed to idle more than five minutes anywhere downtown.
Do we, the voters of Bar Harbor, want a cruise ship berthing facility for large cruise ships at the ferry terminal property?
Do we want the exhaust from the equivalent of thousands of idling semi trucks blowing into our town and park?
Article 12 creates zoning that allows for a large-scale cruise ship terminal to be developed.

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