The Top 7 Ways the Trump Administration Is Attacking Science at the EPA
The Top 7 Ways the Trump Administration Is Attacking Science at the EPA.
The EPA is full of climate science deniers, starting at the top Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus to the contrary, EPA Administrator Pruitt has questioned whether carbon dioxide causes climate change and the magnitude of humans’ role in driving it.
Pruitt also has staffed the EPA with a litany of climate change science deniers, drawing particularly heavily from the office of Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK)—who famously threw a snowball on the Senate floor to prove that climate change is a hoax—to fill senior leadership positions.
President Trump determined that climate change has no cost On March 28, President Trump signed an executive order nullifying much of former President Barack Obama’s Climate Action Plan.
The EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act, which passed the House in March, could prevent the nation’s top scientists from participating in the SAB if, paradoxically, they would be advising the SAB on matters related to their own expertise.
Rep. Lamar Smith wants to block the EPA from using sound science to set pollution standards Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), an ardent climate denier who has been leading the congressional attack on science, introduced the Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act, or HONEST Act.
As such, the bill could block the EPA from using the best available scientific evidence to set pollution limits or develop ambient air quality standards.
President Trump has failed to hire scientists throughout the government President Trump has kept many critical science positions vacant since he took office in January.
President Trump, Administrator Pruitt, and their allies in Congress want to obscure the science that clearly demonstrates the need to cut air and water pollution by the powerful corporate interests that offer them the greatest political support.
Myriam Alexander-Kearns is a Policy Analyst for the Energy and Environment Policy team at the Center for American Progress.