This Cute Porpoise Is Threatened With Extinction Due To The Fishing Industry

This Cute Porpoise Is Threatened With Extinction Due To The Fishing Industry.
The world shouldn’t stand by watching this species go extinct.
Act now on & #savethevaquita before it’s too late.
Fishing nets threatening the species One reason behind the possible extinction is drift nets and abandoned fishing nets used by fishermen trying to catch totoabas.
The totoaba is a bass native to the Gulf of California, and their bladders go for up to 10,000 dollars a pound in China, where they are considered to be a luxury medicinal product.
In response, in 2015, Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto decided to protect the marine mammals by banning drift nets over an area of 8000 square miles for a period of two years.
But the measure wasn’t enough.
In addition, other factors such as water pollution from pesticides and genetic defects from interbreeding among the small population could be fatal for the vaquita.
But according to specialists, the animal doesn’t do well in captivity, so the last ditch effort may prove to be counter-productive.
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