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Thurman moving ahead with water system project

THURMAN — Work started Monday to install a new water system in Thurman to address the contamination emanating from the town’s old salt storage shed.
Supervisor Cynthia Hyde said Tuesday that the work should be completed in August.
The problem stems from a storage shed built in 1997 on town property without any state permits.
Thurman took out a bond anticipation note of up to $313,000 to cover the cost of the project.
During Tuesday’s Town Board meeting, some residents questioned why the town was issuing a bond anticipation note instead of an outright bond.
The Town Board on Tuesday agreed to hold monthly meetings to review and audit bills for this project.
“We really want to do a good oversight with this water system,” Hyde said.
The audit, which was released in March, faulted the town of Thurman for lax oversight of two capital projects — remediation of the salt contamination and installation of the white space internet system.
The town in July 2013 approved replacing the salt storage shed and remediating the contamination at a total cost not to exceed $100,000, which would come from reserves.
Auditors said the town should have prepared financial plans for this project and the white space project.

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