Toxic popsicles raising water pollution awareness

Toxic popsicles raising water pollution awareness.
Sure, it’s summer, it’s hot, we’d love to have some icy, juicy popsicles – but think again before taking a bite out of these ones!
They might look interesting and they might even tempt you into tasting them, but these popsicles were in fact made of sewage from the heavily polluted waters of Taiwan.
Definitey not the kind of refreshment you’d wish to see ending up in your stomach, if you care for your health and well-being.
If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that the shady-looking popsicles contain bits of plastic waste (among other things), such as plastic bottle caps, plastic bags, wrappers and other trash.
Each popsicle comes wrapped in a specially designed wrapper, making it look a genuine food product.
Using water from 100 different water sources, the ‘toxic popsicles’ were created as part of a project, called the Polluted Water Popsicles project by three design students from the National Taiwan University of Arts, trying to raise awareness about the ever-increasing water pollution in Taiwan.
Among the main sources of water pollution in Taiwan are the town and indutstrial sewage, pig farms and chemical fertilizers used in agriculture, increasing fast with urban development and economic growth.

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