Water walkers to begin journey in Duluth
Water walkers to begin journey in Duluth.
For the Earth and Water Walk is an Anishinaabe ceremony to honor the water’s gift of life for all beings.
They’ll then start walking to Quebec along Lake Superior’s south shore, a journey that is expected to take four to six months.
They were able to exist without water pollution, but now, the present and future generations are facing serious consequences.
Humans also have the choice of using bottled water if drinking water is too dangerous, but animals don’t have that choice.
Beeds said she worries about what the world will look like when her 2-year-old granddaughter is an adult, pointing out that Native Americans are taught to think about the impacts their movements will have seven generations from now.
The walk is about that as well.
It’s about honoring those ancestors that made sure that we knew how to take care of the Earth’s water and also honoring the future children that are dependent on us to make sure that we think about the water, that we think about the Earth," she said.
Beeds said a core group of nine people will be walking the full route, but they expect both indigenous and non-indigenous people to join them along the way.
People can follow the walk at motherearthwaterwalk.com and at the For the Earth Water Walk 2017 Facebook page, where people can also view a water walk protocol pamphlet.