10,000 households, businesses under Jackson boil water notice

Approximately 10,000 customers in south Jackson, Byram and Terry served by Jackson wells are under a boil water notice after a water main repair caused a loss of pressure.
The areas affected — limited to those on well water — are Byram and Terry west of I-55 South; Siwell Road addresses with the zip code 39272 and 39212; (2200-4699) Raymond Road, 39212; Cedar Hills, Oak Creek and Will-o-wood subdivisions; Pecan Acres subdivision; and Byramdale Estates subdivision.
The precautionary boil water advisory will remain in effect until further notice.
When a loss of pressure occurs, contaminants can leech into a system.
All customers are advised to boil their drinking water until adequate pressure is restored to the system.
Water should be brought to a rolling boil for one minute for cooking or baking, making ice cubes, taking medication, brushing teeth, washing food, mixing baby formula or food, mixing juices or drinks, feeding pets, washing dishes and all other consumption.
Residents will be notified immediately when the advisory is lifted.
For more information, customers may call 601-960-2723 during business hours or 601-960-1778 (or 601-960-1875) after 4 p.m. and on weekends.

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