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Storm Runoff May Recharge Aquifers and Your Crops

Storm Runoff May Recharge Aquifers and Your Crops.
The results of the University of California, Davis, study are intriguing: First, water was indeed penetrating to a deeper level.
American Vegetable Grower® magazine reached out to Dahlke to learn more.
So, among those 8 million acres, there is a lower percentage of land that has suitable soils for doing groundwater recharge.
AVG: Your team analyzed the amount of water flowing through a stream, and focused in on streamflow that reaches 90th percentile.
The percentile was chosen so that enough water would still flow down a river that environmental flows and urban/industrial water demands are met.
So these flows are often not accounted for or stored in surface water reservoirs and we should better manage them.
Do you believe your recommended methods would apply to growers outside of the state?
It is just that we are realizing more and more how quickly we are depleting our groundwater reserves and that natural recharge from rainfall is not enough to refill groundwater aquifers at the rate at which we are pumping water out.
Therefore, this research and management need applies to any groundwater dependent region.

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