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World Water Week Opens In Stockholm With 3,000 Participants

World Water Week Opens In Stockholm With 3,000 Participants.
World leaders, water experts, development professionals, policy-makers, and one astronaut, began a week-long meeting in Stockholm focused on finding ways to better use and reuse the world’s increasingly scarce fresh water.
A statement by Ms Rowena Barber, Communication Manager, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), made available said water is fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
‘‘The realisation is there, we need to become more efficient water users; we need to make some drastic changes.
“World Water Week is a key meeting place for the water and development community; it is here that we come together and make sure that the very best ideas are brought forward.’’ According to her, Holmgren said the World Water Week, organised by SIWI, is the world’s biggest global annual meeting focusing on water and development.
They strive together to find new ways to meeting the world’s growing water challenges.
Christer Fuglesang, astronaut and member of Sweden’s Royal Academy of Science, described the intricate water re-use systems that are necessary during space missions, enabling food to be grown on board, and ensuring a drinking water supply.
This, Fuglesang said, would both help to inform research, and optimise methods for increased water use efficiency on earth.
‘‘To reduce, some drastic changes will be necessary, especially by the main water users, including industries, energy producers and the agriculture sector.
He told participants that although the ingredients for potential water conflicts exist, such as higher population pressure, climate change, and much of the world’s fresh water being shared by two or more countries, studies show that water sharing is much more likely to lead to cooperation than conflict.

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