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The Importance of Water: #WaterIsLife

“Water is life” is such a common expression that we use it almost as a cliché.
However, that phrase is probably one of the most powerfully true messages the whole creation bears witness to.
If, as we learn from geography, the earth is 2/3 water, and science says the human body is 70% water, then it goes without saying that no life can be sustained without water.
From an early age we have been taught the water cycle and how it sustains life, but we still continue to take it for granted.
We pollute water basins, rivers, and even the atmosphere that provides us with this precious commodity.
So, once again, let’s try to consider the extremely important message that water is everything and water changes everything.
This article focuses on two existing scenarios, based in my two favourite countries in the world, to try and drive home the point that water is truly the centre piece of all life, and its availability – or lack thereof – is quite literally a matter of life and death.
This planet is given to us to take care of.
If we are faithful in doing our part, it rewards us in sustaining our lives.
So when we misuse, mishandle, and misappropriate the natural resources found on Earth, water being by far the biggest and most vulnerable of all, then the consequences are far reaching and devastating.

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