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Following the Example of Waiakea Water: Practicing Sustainability in the Wake of Water Shortages

According to UNICEF, there are 2.1 billion people in the world that do not have access to safe drinking water.
It is amazing to think that in the near future, there is a possibility that many people will die from a lack of drinking water.
One has to examine what happened to Cape Town to understand what could possibly happen here.
A concerned population rises, a major drought hits, and the elements are in place for a real life disaster movie.
Nature Conservancy did a global survey of water supplies for cities.
In fact, Mexico City has 21 million people living there, and they only have access to running water for just part of the day.
Ways to Conserve Water There are steps we can all take to make sure that our ancestors will have enough clean water to live off of as well and ensure that this planet can keep on supporting life.
Waiakea Water has been growing year by year ever since.
Waiakea Water was originally created to make positive changes throughout the world.
With the lack of clean water available to many regions of the world, this is where Waiakea definitely steps up to the plate.

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