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Mother shares concerns about boil water advisory in St. Martinville

Mother shares concerns about boil water advisory in St. Martinville.
In St. Martinville tap water could be contaminated.
The city has initiated a boil water advisory for all residents.
Instructions: Boil water for one (1) full minute in a clean container.
“Water was just coming through the cracks in the road.”
The pipe was a main water line that provides water to a large portion of St. Martinville residents.
However, while the leak is fixed, one problem remains– possible water contamination.
For this reason, the city has issued a boil water advisory for residents.
If I knew the water was contaminated I would never have been drinking it,” said Barras.
“Now I’ll have to wake up early to boil water for my kids to brush their teeth or to prepare a bottle,” said Barras.

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