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Bonduel community rallies to provide meals and water after major water main break

BONDUEL, Wis. (WBAY) – The entire village of Bonduel is under a boil water advisory after a significant water main break.
The break caused low water pressure, which may possibly allow contaminants into the village’s water.
The Bonduel School District canceled classes Wednesday, and some homes had no access to water, but the tight-knit community found a way to make a difference in their neighbor’s lives.
The water main break on the intersection of Washington and State happened Tuesday evening.
With possible contamination of the water, the village will stay under a boil water advisory until results come back from a State Waters Lab Thursday morning.
Lorbiecki expects the results to come back between 6 and 7 a.m. City officials say nearly 1,500 people are under the boil water order, but 18 homes near the water break did not have access to water until the water main was repaired Wednesday evening.
"We delivered up that water to the 18 residents that were not having water service this morning,” said Lorbiecki.
"They cooked the breakfast, they made the calls to seniors, and we had runners, we had students involved, teacher’s kids were involved, we had a school board member and his wife, too,” said Dawidziak.
The water main is fixed but the boil order remains in effect until at least Thursday morning.
The Bonduel School District will make a decision Thursday morning on whether classes will be held.

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