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South Asia’s water bomb

While issues relating to sharing of the Indus and its tributaries are undoubtedly important, let our focus on IWT not undermine some of the equally important water problems facing South Asia.
We need to invest more time, funds and efforts in understanding water problems from a multi-disciplinary perspective rather than entirely focusing on the notion of‘sharing the rivers’ and their ‘securitisation’.
One of the most important issues that South Asia is likely to face in the next few years is water scarcity.
In historical terms, never before has our population lived in cities as much as it does now.
Where would we find water to support cities?
This is not only about feeding the population, but also finding adequate water to service the entire urbanisation process.
Our cities are likely to appropriate more water, at the cost of spending the same on agriculture.
We need to ‘democratise’ the debate, as our region seems to have abdicated it to war mongers.
Political and community leaders are better suited to discuss such problems.
From a multi-disciplinary perspective, we need more institutions supported by regional dialogue.

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