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Boil water advisory for Upper Nicola

by Michael Potestio, originally posted on June 2, 2016


A 48-hour boil water advisory is in place for residents living in the Douglas Lake IR3 community of the Upper Nicola band.

The advisory requires residents bring their tap water to a rolling boil for at least one minute before consumption, and went into effect Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. after a waterline break. It will remain in effect unless otherwise specified until 3:30 p.m. Friday.

Band administrator Collette Manuel said the line broke during the excavation of a section of old water pipes that are being replaced as part of the repaving of Douglas Lake Road that is ongoing.

“We had to turn the whole system off,” she said. “And every time you turn the whole system off, there could be a threat of some type of contamination, so as a proactive measure, we’re just asking people to have their water boiled.”

The band advises people do not drink from any water fountains supplied from the public water supply.

Manuel said the band will conduct tests to determine if the water is potable before the advisory is lifted.

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