Boil Water Advisory For Airport Blvd. Area

originally posted on December 14, 2016


Columbia, SC (WLTX) A boil water advisory has been issued for an area of Airport Blvd.

The City of Columbia Water Works advises the water customers of Airport Blvd, between Holt and Holly, located in Richland County, to vigorously boil their water for at least one (1) full minute prior to drinking or cooking. Also, any residents near the affected area who have lost water and/or water pressure are advised to vigorously boil their water for at least one (1) full minute prior to drinking or cooking.

The City of Columbia has experienced 6 inch line break. This could possibly result in bacterial contamination of the water on Airport Blvd, between Holt and Holly. Water

The City of Columbia Water Works is presently working to correct the problem.

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