Boil Water Advisory in Effect for Warrensville Area

Boil Water Advisory in Effect for Warrensville Area.
Currently, a crew has been dispatched to repair the break, which will temporarily put your home out of water while the repair is being completed.
When water service is restored, there is the potential to introduce contamination into the system.
The full boil water notification advises you bring all water to a rolling boil, let it boil for one minute and let it cool before using or use bottled water.
You will receive an additional notice when the water has been cleared of any possible contamination.
The water authority has made a water buffalo tank accessible to the public at The Meadows Parking Lot (2160 Warrensville Road) beginning today.
The water distribution location is available for the exclusive use of residents and business affected by the water advisory.
Containers will not be provided.
Residents should bring sanitized, portable containers to transport potable water from the distribution location.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the WMWA office at 570-323-6148.

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