Boil water advisory in Kalamazoo
Affected areas include: Both sides of Alamo Avenue from Richland Avenue to Fox Ridge Drive/Alamo Hills Drive, excluding the northwest corner of Alamo Avenue and Richland Avenue.
The north side of Rockledge Court from Alamo to the dead end.
Both sides of Brownell Street from Alamo to the dead end.
Both sides of North Prairie Avenue: from Alamo to Blakeslee Street, including North Prairie Apartments.
Both sides of Blakeslee Street from North Prairie to Denner Street, except the southwest and northwest corners of Blakeslee and Denner.
915 Denner St. Everyone in the affected area should boil their water for two minutes before consuming it.
Water main breaks cause a drop in water pressure that can allow bacteria to enter the system.
This advisory is precautionary.
Initial sampling results will be available within 24 hours and the final set within 48 hours, according to the release.
The city expects the advisory will be lifted by Tuesday.