Boil water advisory issued for Dorrance
by Doug Armbruster, originally posted on September 22, 2016
DORRANCE — The Kansas Department of Health and Environment today issued a boil water advisory for the city of Dorrance public water supply. The advisory was issued because of positive bacteriological samples from the distribution system, according to the KDHE.
Dorrance is a city of less than 200 people in Russell County, just south of Interstate Highway 70 about 56 miles west of Salina.
The boil advisory will remain in effect until the risk of contamination in the system is adequately resolved, as determined by the KDHE.
• Boil water for one minute prior to drinking or using in food, or use bottled water.
• Dispose of ice cubs and don’t use ice from an automatic ice maker.
Water used for bathing generally does not need to be boiled. People with cuts or severe rashes may wish to consult a doctor before using the water for bathing. If tap water appears dirty, flush the line by letter the water run until it clears.