Boil water advisory issued in Henryville, Ind. after 4 water main leaks
By Bethanni Williams and Mary Lyons, originally posted on August 12, 2016
HENRY Co. KY. (WHAS11) — Overnight the Henryville Water Dept. suffered four water main leaks near the Henryville school campus.
The Henryville Water Dept. said there was a loss of water pressure and a boil water advisory was issued at 4:45 a.m.
Since that time, district officials and staff have put the following plan into action:
1. Two individuals are on fire watch due to sprinkler water pressure being low. This is a fire code we are following.
2. Additional staff were called in to help with issues that arise.
3. Drinking water stations placed throughout the Henryville Campus
4. Limited restroom access with water on site for sanitary needs
5. Additional hand sanitizer stations strategically placed in the building.
The superintendent for West Clark Community Schools said water pressure is beginning to return to the school. They can now flush toilets, bottled water will be used for drinking. They also are planning on brown bagging the lunch for students.
The boil water advisory will not be lifted until early next week.