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Boil water notice downgraded for South East Kelowna Irrigation District

by Kelsey Davis, originally posted on May 27, 2016


Residents hooked up to the South East Kelowna Irrigation District are no longer under a boil water advisory, however, water quality is still only fair.

On Wednesday night, the South East Kelowna Irrigation District issued a boil water notice for users on the surface water system.

Friday afternoon, that was downgraded to a water quality advisory, effective immediately.

“Testing shows that current water quality is fair due to turbidity readings of between one and five NTU,” read a statement from the Irrigation District.

“Health risk increases as turbidity levels rise, particularly for at-risk populations such as newborns, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems.”

Children and infant under the age of two, those 65-years-of-age and older and people with weakened immune systems should be particularly careful. As a precaution, the Irrigation District is recommending that water intended for drinking, washing fruits and vegetables, making beverages and brushing teeth be boiled for one minute.

More information on the water quality advisory can be found online at sekid.com or by calling the South East Kelowna Irrigation District at 250-861-4200.

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