Crawford College youngster wins water tank for school in Woolworths’ Thirsty For Action school competition

Crawford College youngster wins water tank for school in Woolworths’ Thirsty For Action school competition.
Laura Silversten, who is in Grade 10 at Crawford College Lonehill has won a water tank for her school and a Woolworths gift card for herself in this year’s Thirsty for Action school competition.
With South Africans experiencing the worst drought in 23 years, there was a heightened awareness of the country’s water scarcity during the 2017 Woolworths Educational Programme’s Thirsty for Action competition.
A record number of more than 9 000 entries were received, double that of previous years.
The initiative is designed to help schools promote water-saving by observing National Water Week and the United Nation’s World Water Day earlier in the year.
Laura submitted a poster entry which impressed the judges.
She used her excellent drawing skills to design a well-thought-out, sobering poster which told a very clear story of the importance of water for our survival.
Schoolchildren were asked to highlight the potential reality that South Africa faces, in that they were challenged to imagine their world – home, school or community – without water and then write an essay, poem or draw a picture.
“We have also seen from previous winners of the Woolworths Educational Programme’s Thirsty for Action competition is that the presence of the water tank boosts the schools’ water saving awareness and efforts.” Is your school doing something to help the environment?
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