Executive Summary for June 16th
California Moves Toward Low-Income Water Subsidy No U.S. state has ever offered a subsidy to help low-income residents pay their water bills, but such programs have been offered for decades for other basic utilities, such as electricity and phone.
Starting June 20, the State Water Resources Control Board will offer a series of public hearings to explain four options and help citizens weigh in.
The process began in 2015 with AB 401, a new state law that directs the water board to develop an affordability program.
How can a subsidy reach them?
“We need to … make sure the ability to access and navigate the program is as simple as possible,” said Jonathan Nelson, policy director at Community Water Center, a nonprofit based in the San Joaquin Valley.
Climate Change Threatens Drinking Water on Mexico Border The U.S. border with Mexico is already known for its water scarcity.
It could drop below their intake and they could be without water for a time period.” Many wells in the region are hand dug because immigrant families brought the knowledge to dig their own wells with them when they left Mexico.
As a result, they are shallow and especially vulnerable to climate swings.
Phoenix Signs Water Conservation Deal with Gila Tribe On Tuesday, the Phoenix City Council unanimously approved a deal with the Gila River Indian Community that will help stem the chronic shrinkage in water levels at Lake Mead.
Cities have leased tribal water in the past but, under this deal, the water will not be used.