Flood Warning, Sewage Treatment By-pass Notification and Boil Water Advisory
Flood Warning, Sewage Treatment By-pass Notification and Boil Water Advisory.
The City of Peterborough has issued the following media release regarding the flood threat… "A flood warning remains in effect for the City of Peterborough.
Residents downstream of these locations who draw water from the river are advised to take necessary precautions and boil water.
Docks and structures close to the water should be secured or moved, and other personal effects should be moved to higher ground and may wish to move personal belongings from lower levels of their home.
Residents are advised that they should have sufficient and appropriate emergency supplies at the ready, and sump pumps and backflow preventers should be checked to ensure that they are functioning properly.
If at anytime city residents feel that they are in immediate danger by rising water, they should call 9-1-1."
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