Port Barre road closed, boil advisory issued, gas services reduced after contractor, repair crews hit lines

originally posted on December 24, 2016



A contractor early Friday morning drilled through a St. Landry Parish water line, causing part of a state highway to wash away and leading to the rupture of a gas line as repair crews dug underground to find the water leak’s origin.

Mayor Gil Savoy said a contractor working to install AT&T fiber optic lines beneath LA 103, or Saizan Avenue, drilled through a portion of Port Barre’s 6-inch water line, which provides water for the town and for rural residents in St. Landry Parish Waterworks District No. 3.

The town issued a boil advisory for affected water customers early Friday.

“It’s affecting quite a bit of people,” Savoy said.

Town workers digging to find the source of the water line’s rupture then impacted a gas line underground.

“We’re having mega problems,” the mayor said.

Pressure in the gas line has been lowered but not completely shut off, Savoy said.

Department of Transportation and Development closed off the affected section of Saizan Avenue, about a half-mile north of US 190 and located in the driveway of the Port Barre Police Department.

Drivers may detour from US 190 to LA 741.

There is no timeline on when the repairs will be completed.

KATC will provide updates as they become available.

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