Scorching heat and no water supply! Travails of 60% citizens yesterday
Scorching heat and no water supply!
Travails of 60% citizens yesterday.
Nagpur: Lack of power 45 Kms at Nawegaon Khairi on Sunday ensured the pumping station there could not send water to Nagpur and many overhead water tanks did not get filled.
This resulted in minimum or no water supply to almost 60% of the city on entire Sunday and first part of Monday.
On a day when heat had gone to an impossible high of 46.2* this was a heartless joke on most Nagpurians who could not run coolers, could not take a cool shower and some did not even have adequate drinking water!
Most wards in North, Central and East Nagpur were affected and one could see Corporators also running from pillar to post to help people out with water supply.
So irate was the public that in Wanjari Nagar an OCW employee involved with arranging water tankers was almost attacked by a mob.
OCW Public Relations Manager Sachin Darwekar has assured that today, i.e. Tuesday, all water scarcity will be gone and regular supply resumed.