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Severe summer, water scarcity taking a toll on city’s bird life

The chirping house sparrows and migratory birds are vanishing due to lack of water sources.
Birds are also dying due to heat and lack of water across the city.
Hundreds of sparrows, pigeons and parakeets which used to flock to Cubbon Park are rarely seen today.
Pavithra V N, a frequent visitor to Cubbon Park, said: "The number of birds coming to the green lung space has reduced.
Cubbon Park Walkers’ Association (CPWA) president S Umesh said there were more than 1,000 parakeets a month ago here and now the number has reduced to 500.
Similarly, migratory birds like the black-crowned night heron, kingfisher and Rufous babbler used to quench their thirst at the pond.
This time, there is not enough water and their visits here are also rare.
"Vijay Nishanth, an urban conservationist, said harsh weather and dehydration killed a baby kite in Jayanagar recently.
He said: "A few days ago, I visited the Kanakapura Road stretch which has 10 lakes with around 20 water bird species frequenting them.
Why will birds come when there is no water?

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