Water Butts Heads With Fracking, Oil & Gas Industry In Oklahoma … Or Not

Water Butts Heads With Fracking, Oil & Gas Industry In Oklahoma … Or Not.
The fracking boom has combined with conventional oil and gas drilling to raise a sea of troubles against the doorstep of Oklahoma.
So far, how is the industry responding to the new report?
The Oklahoma Fracking Problem Many (many) risks and hazards are associated with the fracking boom, and earthquakes are one of them.
That wastewater can come from conventional drilling as well as fracking, so to be clear, induced seismicity from wastewater injection is not specific to fracking.
It’s a general wastewater disposal problem for the oil and gas industry, whether the drilling operation involves fracking or not.
In 2014 Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin organized the Coordinating Council on Seismic Activity to study the issue.
Here’s the rundown from Fallin’s office: The act calls for the use of voluntary conservation, water infrastructure improvements and development of marginal water supplies, like produced water, that are currently underutilized.
The Oil & Gas Industry Responds … Not (So Far) CleanTechnica will return to this topic with more details whenever they get around to fixing the link to the new report.
The oil and gas industry also appears to be waiting for that link to go live again.

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