Water level in NTR Jalasayam falls

Water level in NTR Jalasayam falls.
Chittoor: Depletion of water in NTR Jalasayam is a cause of concern as it is only the drinking water body which supplies water to Chittoor city.
Water levels have fallen drastically due to dry spell for the last three consecutive years.
Highlights: Chittoor city residents may face drinking water shortage Minister Amarnath Reddy assured of supplying Handri Neeva water to NTR Jalasayam To find a permanent solution for drinking water scarcity to Chittoor city, Chandrababu Naidu, who was the then Chief Minister, had laid foundation stone for NTR Jalasayam at Kalavagunta on September 19, 1996.
The project was aimed at supplying 8 Millions litres per Day (MLD) drinking water to Chittoor city every day.
The requirement of water for 1.4 lakh population of Chittoor city per day is 22 MLD.
Out of it, 8 MLD water is being supplied from NTR Jalasayam and the rest is being augmented through energized borewells in the city.
Due to shortage of funds, the Chittoor Municipal Corporation has suspended the transportation of drinking water in the city and has been supplying the water from NTR Jalasayam for the last 11 months.
“We can hardly supply the water to the city from the NTR Jalasayam for another month.
By C Prabhakara rao Sponsored

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