Water scarcity threat in Pampa basin
The inordinate delay in the completion of repair works along the damaged portion of the Pampa Irrigation Project (PIP) main canal at Vadasserikkara has badly affected the farming as well as drinking water needs of scores of families in the drought-hit areas of the Pampa river basin spread across Pathanamthitta and Alappuzha districts.
A portion of the main canal of PIP was collapsed allegedly due to lack of proper annual repair and maintenance in December, 2016, leading to closure of the canal that has been the main water source of the villagers in its downstream reaches during the scorching summer months.
27 lakh and open the canal in April first week itself still remains unfulfilled for reasons best known to the authorities concerned, say N.K.
Balan, and M.B.
Dileep, Jana Saktheekarana Gavaeshana Kendram (JSGK) office-bearers.
Meanwhile, the JSGK has moved the State Human Rights Commission alleging human rights violation by the PIP in denying water to the scarcity-hit areas.
The SHRC has served a notice to the PIP on the basis of the JSGK complaint.
The water released from the PIP barrage at Maniyar, near Chittar, in the eastern hilly tracts of Pathanamthitta has been a great solace to the hapless villagers in the water scarcity-hit downstream reaches up to Haripad in Alappuzha district, according to the JSGK leaders.
The tail race water of the Sabarigiri project collected in the PIP barrage at Maniyar is also utilised for power generation at the private mini hydro-electric projects at Maniyar and Allumkal.
Sources in the Water Resources Department attribute the disrepair of the canal to inadequate budget allocation.