Why Healthy Rivers Matter More than Ever

From Mississippi to South Carolina to Georgia, drought and water scarcity have damaged and devastated many communities in the South, as a result of climate change. But climate change won’t stop there. “We’re now living in a world of extremes on the Mississippi River,” Mayor Brant Walker of Alton, Illinois told E&E News last month. “We just don’t get normal spring rains anymore. We get huge downpours.” The community of Alton isn’t alone. Flooding has devastated communities from South Carolina to California in recent years, while drought and water scarcity have squeezed Georgia, Arizona, and other states. From floods to droughts, unprecedented climate changes are affecting all of our communities.Click To Tweet These are the kinds of impacts we’re seeing with climate change – and we may see more, now that President Trump is withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement. There’s no doubt that…

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