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DWR’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Program News

DWR’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Program News.
To find out about facilitation service opportunities that may be available, Contact: SGMP_RC@water.ca.gov Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Formation As of May 31, 2017: 212 local agencies (including coordinated efforts by a combination of local agencies) have submitted GSA formation notifications.
Of the 124 basins that are partially or completely covered by GSA notifications: o 32 basins are low or very-low priority.
Most counties have messaged to DWR that they will become the GSA in the unmanaged areas of a high- or medium-priority basin if needed, per Water Code Section 10724. o Counties that have opted-out of being the presumed GSA for the unmanaged area of a basin are listed here: http://water.ca.gov/groundwater/sgm/gsa_archive.cfm o The State Intervention Compliance Map for areas that are currently considered unmanaged is available on the State Water Board’s website: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/gmp/ All GSA notifications can be submitted, viewed, and managed within DWR’s SGMA Portal: http://sgma.water.ca.gov/portal/#gsa Contact: Mark Nordberg Mark.Nordberg@water.ca.gov or (916) 651-9673 $86.3 Million Available for Groundwater Sustainability Plans and Projects The Department of Water Resources (DWR) will hold a series of public meetings in June to review its 2017 Draft Proposal Solicitation Package for Groundwater Sustainability Plans and Projects and to receive public comments.
The public comment period will close June 19, 2017.
Contact: Heather Shannon Heather.Shannon@water.ca.gov or (916) 651-9212 A Newsletter about Funding and Technical Assistance In line with DWR’s commitment to support Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) and stakeholders throughout SGMA implementation, DWR will be providing periodic SGMA Implementation Assistance Updates.
The goal of the technical assistance program is to comply with requirements in SGMA (10729 and 10733.2) and the GSP regulations (353.2, 354.8, 354.16, and 354.18) for DWR to provide education, data, and tools at both regional and statewide scales to aid GSAs with development and implementation of GSPs and inform water resource planning decisions.
January 1, 2018 – Submission Period opens o During this 3 month window, GSAs and local agencies can submit the required information to support a Basin Boundary Modification in the BBMRS on the SGMA Portal http://sgma.water.ca.gov/portal/#intro.
For more information and registration, visit http://www.watereducation.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/dwr_sjv_subsidence_aug16_flye.pdf SGMA Definitions and Groundwater Glossary SGMA provided California with a roadmap for sustainably managing our groundwater, and it also came with its own lexicon.
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