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Water saving efforts slipped in April, after drought ended

Water saving efforts slipped in April, after drought ended.
Californians used more water this April than they did in April 2016, according to state data, and that jump in water use came thanks to residents of Southern California.
Jerry Brown declared an end to the state’ drought emergency in April, following a wet winter across California.
That included lifting the mandatory water conservation limits imposed by the state.
That’s a jump from 77 gallons a day the previous year.
In the Colorado River area, which includes inland parts of Southern California, daily use jumped to 163 gallons per day, from 127 the previous year.
At a State Water Resources Control Board meeting this morning, state scientist Jelena Hartman said the uptick in use may be due to a relatively dry and warm April in Southern California.
Officials will keep a close eye on Californians’ water use during the summer months, which will test whether or not conservation has become a way of life in the state, as officials hope.
With California’s climate changing, scientists say future droughts could strike more often and be more severe — making conservation a perennial issue.

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