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During Ramadan, Bottled Water Helps Local Muslims Bridge Religious Divide

A few people walk up to the left side of the car, where the driver’s window is already rolled down.
They ask if he wants a free bottle of water.
The driver says no, thanks, he already has his own.
And the group standing on the corner moves on to offer water to someone else.
Bhatti works for Merrill Lynch, and is one of the people handing out free bottles of water.
Despite the possibility of an anger-hunger combination, it’s all smiles on this corner.
Christianity is still the world’s largest religion, but Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion, says the Pew Research Center.
That’s larger than the share of people who say “just a few” or “none” are anti-American, according to Pew.
“I’m not saying that everybody’s out to get Muslims and stuff like that, but you do have this Islamophobia and you do have people who are unaware of the religion and what it actually says,” Qureshi says.
Islam is a religion of altruism and you can do it in a simple way as handing out water.”

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