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CAL WATER FIX: Ruling letter for June 14, 2017

CAL WATER FIX: Ruling letter for June 14, 2017.
From the State Water Board: San Joaquin County and the North San Joaquin Water Conservation District (San Joaquin Parties) served a notice and subpoena duces tecum (San Joaquin Parties’ notice) on the Department of Water Resources (DWR) requesting production of the electronic Excel version of Exhibits DWR-903, -904, -905, and -906 and the source of that data.
The notice also requests appearance of DWR at the hearing to be held in this matter to testify as to the authenticity and contents of the documents.
For the reasons given below, DWR’s motion for protective order is denied in part.
DWR will produce the information required in this ruling, by 9:30 am on June 16, 2017, and produce a witness to testify as to the authenticity and contents of the documents.
Such testimony will be limited to the scope of sur-rebuttal.
Read the ruling letter here: 20170613_part1sur-rebuttal_order_revised New schedule for sur-rebuttal: 20170614_cwf_ruling State Water Board page for Cal Water Fix: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/water_issues/programs/bay_delta/california_waterfix/water_right_petition.shtml Sign up for daily email service and you’ll never miss a post!
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