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Plants, trees, lawns need a good soaking now

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, the Kansas City area is experiencing a moderate drought. This confirms what we already know: We need rain. Water is the basis for life, both ours and the plants and animals around us. Without proper moisture plants suffer. Lack of water places stress on them, which, if prolonged, can lead to death. Luckily for most of us, we can provide the needed water to get them through periods of drought. Not all plants suffer at the same rate. Generally plants with shallow roots and small root mass suffer first. That means plants that are younger and still establishing will suffer first. You should water trees and shrubs planted in the last three to five years. Evergreens, none of which are native to our climate, also are the first to struggle. Spruce, pine and others tend to have less aggressive roots and tolerance for drought. Even mature plants could use a good soaking now. Deciduous trees tend to be…

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