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Everything You Need to Know About the Hepatitis A Vaccine

Everything You Need to Know About the Hepatitis A Vaccine.
The Hepatitis A Vaccine Similar to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A is a disease that affects the liver (hepar being Greek for liver), and is the most common of the five different hepatitis viruses classified by doctors (vaccines currently only exist for Hepatitis A, B, and E).
If symptoms occur at all — and for many patients, particularly children, there are none — they typically include fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and jaundice, which will appear 2 to 6 weeks after exposure.
Preventing Hepatitis A As a highly contagious disease, Hepatitis A is transmitted through food or water contaminated by the feces of someone infected with virus.
(If food is contaminated after being cooked, however, the risk is still present.)
Furthermore, regular hand-washing before and after touching food helps ensure the virus doesn’t spread.
Hep A is found throughout the world, though infection rates are higher in areas with poor sanitation or limited access to clean drinking water.
Hence, travelers to parts of Africa, Central and South America, Asia, and even rural sections of Eastern Europe should be on the lookout.
Plan on contacting your doctor or public health center six to eight months before a planned trip in order to receive the vaccine in time for it to take effect.
It is not required for entry into any specific countries.

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