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NEEF: Coexisting with wildlife during drought

NEEF: Coexisting with wildlife during drought.
Drought conditions send wildlife in search of food, water, and cover—which means some animals travel farther than usual and into more developed areas.
Drought impacts wildlife in many ways: *Hungry deer, bears, raccoons, and other wild animals search for food.
With fewer berries and acorns available, bears will eat garbage, grease from barbecues, bird seed, and sugar water from hummingbird feeders.
Raccoons may seek out garden vegetables and pet food.
*Less grass and vegetation growth reduces cover for waterfowl nests and young deer, antelope, and elk, making these animals more vulnerable to predators.
While humans may not mind fewer insects, animals like bats need to eat insects to build fat reserves for migration and hibernation.
Crowding into smaller spaces for access to food, water, and habitat makes these animals more susceptible to diseases, predators, and competition with other animals.
*Clean barbecues after each use to reduce grease and odors.
If possible, store barbecues inside a garage or building.

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