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West Dorset GP, Sue Davies, urges public to understand importance of staying hydrated

West Dorset GP, Sue Davies, urges public to understand importance of staying hydrated.
Dr Sue Davies, from Lyme Regis Medical Centre in Lyme Regis, says people need to be aware of consuming the right amount of fluids to stay healthy.
Medical evidence shows that staying hydrated can assist in the management of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and low blood pressure while also helping to prevent falls, incontinence and poor oral health.
It is also recognised that staying hydrated helps you stay alert and feel generally healthier.
Dr Davies said: “Water is essential to health, and is one of the six basic nutrients – along with carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals – but is often overlooked.
"This can result in vulnerable individuals, not just older people, missing out on the support they need to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.” Virgin Care is making a clear effort to raise the awareness of good hydration by promoting to patients and colleagues the importance of drinking six to eight drinks a day, including a variety of fluids (excluding alcohol) across its services.
The organisation has also committed to people visiting its services can access drinking water at all of its locations.
Dr Davies, added: “There are plenty of things people can do to stay hydrated, for example, drinking water regularly throughout the day, eating more fresh fruit and vegetables and remembering to drink more when they exercise or if the weather is hot.
“It’s vital we encourage patients to drink more.
“So have a drink before you feel thirsty and not only will you be quenching your thirst, but you will also be helping to protect yourself.”

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