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Elevated lead levels detected in 4 Mercer County towns

TRENTON — Trenton officials say that elevated levels of lead have been detected in drinking water in some homes in the city’s water system.
A letter was sent to Trenton Water Works’ 64,000 customers this week after a routine sampling found that lead levels exceeded the federal standard in 14 of the 119 sites tested during the first half of the year.
The city’s letter, however, did not say which neighborhoods were affected or how high the lead levels were, causing some residents to worry.
DEP spokesman Larry Hajna said the highest sample was 106 ppb, but most were in the range of 15 to 50 ppb.
He says that the issue is not with the water source, but with either lead service lines or lead-based plumbing fixtures that were common in homes built before the mid-1980s.
"It’s mostly related to fixtures in the respective residences," he said.
Hajna said that by the end of the year, Trenton also has to submit a corrective plan that could include replacing lead service lines and adding chemicals to control corrosion and prevent leaching of lead.
Cristina Rojas may be reached at crojas@njadvancemedia.com.
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