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2017 Europe autumn forecast: Fierce windstorms to blast UK; Rain to ease drought in Italy and the Balkans

The arrival of autumn will bring significant changes to the weather across much of Europe.
Following a hot and dry summer, beneficial rain will fall across parts of Italy and the Balkans, bringing relief from drought and wildfires.
“The change to drier weather will not last throughout the season, as a several week stretch of wet weather returns to eastern France, Germany and western Poland in October,” AccuWeather Meteorologist Tyler Roys said.
“There will be a significant increase in the risk of windstorms across the British Isles from late October into November,” Roys said.
“Northern Ireland and Scotland will face the greatest risk for significant impacts.” At least one post-tropical system is predicted to impact the Isles during this time, presenting a high risk for flooding and damaging winds.
Beneficial rain to arrive across Italy and Balkan Peninsula The Iberian Peninsula will continue to endure drought conditions; however, relief will arrive for Italy and the Balkans following a hot and dry September.
The drought conditions currently plaguing parts of Italy and the Balkans will continue into early autumn as above-normal temperatures and minimal rainfall are expected.
“Drought relief will come in October and November as rainfall increases across both Italy and the Balkans,” Roys said.
Warmth to prevail across eastern Europe into October before biting cold shots invade late A warm start to autumn is expected from the Baltic states into Ukraine.
This cold air will also bring the risk for a late-season snowstorm in Ukraine and Belarus.

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