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7-Eleven provides free water in Florida after accused of price-gouging

Some 7-Eleven locations in Florida are offering free cases of bottled water after Florida’s Attorney General office reported thousands of calls about price-gouging at stores across the state.
HuffPost reports that 7-Eleven’s corporate office has authorized 1,600 cases of bottled water to be sent to three Florida stores to be distributed for free after Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi told CNBC her office was receiving 100 calls per hour about price-gouging at 7-Eleven locations as well as other stores in the state.
"It’s been unbelievable.
We are out in the field all over this state so people can have the fuel that they need, essential commodities such as water, etc."
We are disappointed that the small minority of franchisees have chosen to do this and will harshly deal with any offenders," the statement adds.
Best Buy was forced to apologize after reports surfaced on social media about price-gouging for cases of water in one Texas location.
As a company we are focused on helping, not hurting affected people.
We’re sorry and it won’t happen again,” a spokesman said in an email.
“Not as an excuse but as an explanation, we don’t typically sell cases of water.
The mistake was made when employees priced a case of water using the single-bottle price for each bottle in the case.”

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