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Drought begets drought, unfortunately.

Drought begets drought, unfortunately.. QUAD CITIES (KWQC) – The old saying is, “Drought begets drought”.
Well, simply put, the further your area is into a drought, or drought-like conditions, the longer it will likely stay in that condition.
Well, lots of dry ground will help promote a dryness to the air.
If the air over a region is dry, incoming weather systems will have a lot of their moisture chewed up by the dry bubble that’s created over the drought plagued region.
Crops that would normally release a lot of their excess moisture into the air in the summer months are holding on to it.
Our next BEST rain chance in the QCA is the BEST we’ve had in a long time.
But, considering the region is already so dry it doesn’t look like much more than a quarter inch of rain can be expected over any given area.
Too much rain at once, even on dry soil, can simply run off and do no good.
A ½ to full inch of rain every other or third day can alleviate drought conditions fairly quickly if followed by a more rain friendly weather pattern.
However, even though in the next week we’ll have a few chances of rain, next week’s monitor won’t likely show much improvement from the poor conditions we have across the area now.

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