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Water Main Break In Mulberry Leaves Residents Without Water

MULBERRY (KFSM) — A main line water break caused residents in Mulberry to finish celebrating Thanksgiving without water.
"So, we just had to turn the entire system off."
The Dickerson family had finished most of their cooking, but had to finish a few dishes with bottled water.
"I was disappointed that I didn’t have any water," Dickerson said.
The cause of the break is unknown at this time, but officials say it could have been a number of things.
"Just time," Brewer said.
Materials deteriorate over time."
"A lot of these people don’t work for us," Brewer said.
Officials requested that residents immediately store water in sinks or tubs until the water was restored.
Those with the water department said workers will be flushing the water for the next few days to get rid of anything that may have gotten into the system during the break.

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