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In Photos: Clean Water Initiative Makes Strides in Uganda

Water filter project improving health, supporting women’s leadership, and safeguarding environment Photos by Joel Lukhovi | Survival Media Agency Most people in the district of Gomba, Uganda, don’t have access to clean water.
Today almost 800 children have access to clean water; 45 women have been trained on how to build biosand filters in their schools and homes.
The schools are a big consumer of firewood, and so having the biosand filters helps us keep our trees.
To learn more about the Uganda Women’s Water Initiative project, scroll through the photos below.
“Now that the worry is lowered, we have time to concentrate on other activities that can generate more income for our families.
Before, the school boiled water for the children every day.
“It was mostly diarrhea or typhoid, and I would get sick at least once every term.” Using a second grant from Global Greengrants Fund, Uganda Women’s Water Initiative build a brick water tank at Bukandula Parents Primary School.
Not only does the soap reduce the spread of disease among the children, but the women also sell it for income.
The training from Uganda Women’s Water Initiative has taught us skills that have helped us get access to clean water, and my children’s health has improved.
My children are in better school; I can make more income.

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