GenX: More Bottled Water For Those Near Chemours
North Carolina State officials have ordered Chemours to provide bottled water to more well owners near the company’s Fayetteville Works facility.
The move comes after another round of testing shows higher levels of GenX in the wells.
The Department of Environmental Quality says that the latest test results, from samples taken between October 12 and November 15, showed 30 wells with GenX levels above the state’s health goal.
That means Chemours will now provide bottled water to those 30 well owners.
Meanwhile, DEQ has ordered Chemours to expand its sampling area to include all 450 properties that are within one mile of the facilities property line.
So far, the samples from 349 wells that have been collected and analyzed show 144 with detections of GenX below the provisional health goal, and 90 showing no detections of GenX.
The remaining 115 wells have levels above 140 parts per trillion, and that means they are all receiving bottled water from Chemours.